Poetry, Tarot, and Twitter—Truth Be Told


It’s not like I haven’t been writing poetry, although I haven’t written as much lately as in the past. Throughout my life, there always have been periods of time where the poetry, in verse form, is slow.

But if you’re a poet, you know that the poetry always expresses itself in one form or another.

A lot of my poetry writing now comes in the form of interpreting Tarot cards for readings. Tarot is symbology, pure and simple, The language of Tarot and the language of poetry is the same for me.

Both Tarot and poetry are a form of expression for me. My worldview plays an important role in how I interpret the cards and the words I use, just like when I write a poem. The worldview for both come from my soul as informed by my relationship to the unseen.

God is a word I have used to describe this unseen force, but I have enhanced my concept of God over the years. The Divine/the Universe are also words I use to describe where I get my inspirations from.



But most importantly, I understand that the separation between The All That Is and me is indistinguishable. I belong to that larger entity. That entity is me.

I am so indiscriminate when it comes to where i write. I have papers stuffed in drawers of things I have written, I used to try to keep everything, but over the past ten years I discarded much of this clutter, including journals I wrote when I was an adolescent. Anything worth keeping I tried to put on a hard drive So whatever I have left, I’m going to put some of it on this blog, little by little. I’m going to to identify which is which,  but I will intersperse it with new writings as I do them.

Also, I have a lot of poems on Twitter that I have written in various accounts that I had not made clear belonged to me until now. These accounts were places I could hide various parts of me. These days I feel more whole than ever before and I feel more secure to freely share who I am. With that in mind, I will be remixing my poetry tweets and sharing them here as well.

Today I feel as if this is an ending of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

UPDATE (1-31-2023): As of this writing, I no longer have poetry Twitter accounts, only the one account for my Tarot activities. It’s been more than a year now that I deleted True Life Poetry and Infinity Xpress. Just wanted to clear the air. 🙂

Ms. Joyce Tarot


I don’t think I have ever made it explicit here on this blog. But I do Tarot readings!

I’ve been doing this for a few years now. I post a general reading-of-the-day on my Tarot website, on my YouTube channel, and various other places on the internet.

I also offer personal readings. You can purchase them separately or else you can join me on Patreon. By becoming a patron, you can get benefits such as monthly Tarot/Oracle card readings, weekly Tarot horoscopes for all zodiac signs, and much more.

If you are interested in any of that, check out the links below.

MsJoycetarot.com (Website)
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